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Let's Talk about Listening

Thomas L. Rose

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Let's talk about listening coming from a guy who always talks. I joke, “ I am talking because I have so much to say and so little time.” It's true; I know I talk a lot, but I also listen and can improve my listening skills.

Listening is essential to connecting with friends, family, and other people in our lives. I am finally, after 81 years, trying to become a better listener. This allows me to understand those around me, who they are, and what they are all about. It could help me understand myself in turn.

One of the benchmarks of great communicators is their ability to listen to what's being said and what's not being said. They listen between the lines. -Laurie Buchanan, author

One of my college professors told me that you can practice listening any time you wish, even when there isn’t anyone around. So, I just tried it and all I heard was Frank Sinatra singing “Let's Fall in Love.” After I turned off the music, I tried it again. Try it, close your eyes, and notice what you hear. Be patient because you will listen in even the quietest places. Also, count how many sounds you can hear when you are outside. It's fun and exciting. When you read, listen. When you write, listen. When you talk, listen.

Once you have developed good listening skills, please bring them to your conversation. Ask questions and, indeed, pay attention to the answers. Listening is a matter of respect and generosity. Without saying a word, you can send the message that what is being said is important and that you care. Studies have shown that people who listen well have stronger relationships, are better at anticipating problems, and resolve conflicts with more tact and empathy.

When we are listened to, it creates us and makes us unfold and expand. Ideas begin to grow within us and come to life. -Brenda Ueland, journalist

Take it from a guy who talks too much but who has friends who listen and appreciate their respect and generosity. I am trying to talk less and listen more, so now, when I read, I hear; when I write, I listen.

The right to speak comes with a duty to listen. -Amit Kalantri, author

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